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I’ve been an entrepreneur since the late 1990s and a Bitcoiner since 2015. I’ve worked on projects in digital transformation at central banks, payment providers, investment and insurance companies, governments, lottery’s and casinos and global retail for over 20 years.

I’ve analyzed and helped solve a lot of big problems in all of these sectors and more. I sold my first thing online in the early 2000s and have been building solution for businesses every since.

I first found Bitcoin in mid 2012 when I wrote about it on my old blog. I hadn’t even read the white paper and didn’t buy any bitcoin at the time but I definitly found it interesting.

In the early years I was unfortunatly more interested in the blockchain tech than I was in just Bictoin. I was working as a consultant and having a family until sometime in 2015 I started paying more attention to crypto and Bitcoin.

While working on a project for a central bank, rebuilding a banking system, I read the Bitcoin whitepaper and started diving into the whole crypto space. I read everything I could get my hands to understand the technology behind cryptocurrencies.

I even created my own etherum tokens to learn how it all worked. I went down the crypto path for over a year, making money off of trading tokens trying to make sense of all of this change going on.

I made and lost a lot of money in what I now call a shitcoin casino. The more I looked into each new token being airdroped and then seeing groups on telegram focused on pump and dumps to rug new people coming into crypto made me sick. When the bear market hit and so many people go whipped out in crypto, I found Bitcoin Twitter and started listening to the signal and not the noise.

Bitcoin is the signal and all of these other tokens are noise.

After meeting many Bitcoiners and hearing their stories about how they found Bitcoin, there is a common theme that looks like this chart below.

I sold all my altcoins for Bitcoin and decided to go deep down into the Bitcoin-Only rabit hole to finnally come to the realization that there is NO SECOND BEST.

Bitcoin is the innovation and all of the thousands of Altcoins are copycat shitcoins.

Bitcoin gets me excited like the Internet did in the early 90’s.

It’s ignited a new digital, financial and energy transformation that’s going to change the world even more than the internet did.

Since finding Bitcoin, I have been learning, building and sharing right here on the On Bitcoin site. I write about Bitcoin. I run a full node, a lightnining network node, I mine bitcoin and I help people and businesses with Bitcoin solutions.

On Bitcoin, I provide analysis and guides on Bitcoin, Bitcoin Mining, Energy infrastructures, the Lightning & Liquid Networks, systems automation, circular economies and all things on the future of Bitcoin in society.

I am also one of the founders of BiTHELM, a Bitcoin services company and organized the Bitcoin Manitoba Meetup in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Come join me down the rabbit hole On Bitcoin.

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