Bitcoin piggy bank for kids

An electronic cash piggy bank for children that accepts bitcoin sent over lightning, while displaying the amount saved in satoshis.

In a world where financial literacy is increasingly crucial, teaching children about sound money habits has never been more important.

I came accross LightningPiggy, a cute little electronic piggy bank designed specifically for kids, that accepts bitcoin sent over lightning and then displays the amount saved in satoshis.

The vision behind LightningPiggy is ambitious yet essential. The team that created this want to make satoshis—the smallest unit of bitcoin—the standard for savings among children.

By integrating bitcoin into a familiar concept like a piggy bank, LightningPiggy aims to revolutionize the way kids think about money from an early age.

From Tooth Fairy visits to traditional piggy banks filled with coins, children are typically introduced to money in fiat terms. However, as the purchasing power of fiat currencies continues to decline, it’s becoming increasingly evident that traditional savings methods may not effectively preserve value over time.

This is where LightningPiggy steps in. By providing a fun, child-friendly way for kids to stack sats (slang for accumulating satoshis) and watch their savings grow, LightningPiggy aims to instill not only the importance of saving but also the principles of sound money management.

One of the most significant barriers to widespread bitcoin adoption is the lack of accessible tools and resources for users of all ages. LightningPiggy seeks to bridge this gap by bringing the benefits of bitcoin to young people in a tangible and meaningful way. By introducing children to bitcoin at an early age, LightningPiggy lays the foundation for a future where bitcoin is the preferred choice of currency.

Moreover, LightningPiggy doesn’t stop at simply promoting financial literacy. It also opens the door to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) learning opportunities through affordable development kits for home, school, and community use.

Kids can build their own LightningPiggywith easy to follow instructions.

By combining education about sound money with hands-on STEM activities, LightningPiggy aims to empower children to become creators in a free and open-source manner.

Examples of what kids have built.

In a world where the adoption of bitcoin is steadily growing, LightningPiggy represents a crucial step forward in making bitcoin accessible to users of all ages.

By providing a fun, educational, and practical way for children to engage with bitcoin, LightningPiggy is not only shaping the future of finance but also inspiring the next generation of innovators and creators.

With LightningPiggy, the journey towards global bitcoin adoption begins at an early age, setting the stage for a future where bitcoin is the undeniable currency of choice.


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